Wednesday, July 10, 2019


In short, Imposter Syndrome is a feeling that we don’t belong where we are, despite our own success in getting us here. Feeling like a fraud and that we’ll be found out at any moment. Worrying that our accomplishments are due to luck and not skill, and that they are not replicable. Almost everyone will experience Imposter Syndrome at some point in their lives.

Julia Hoagland from the Julia Hoagland Team at Compass will head up this talk on Imposter Syndrome with a few examples of well-known individuals who’ve admitted to experiencing this phenomena; Sonia Sottomayer, Jodi Foster, Emma Watson, and Maya Angelou, to name a few. In fact, 2/3rds of incoming Harvard students raised their hands when asked whether they feel like they were the mistake of the admissions committee.

Statistically, Imposter Syndrome affects women and men equally, maybe societal pressures make it easier for famous women to admit it. But so as not to exclude men entirely, near the end of his life guess who said this: “The exaggerated esteem in which my lifework is held makes me very ill at ease. I feel compelled to think of myself as an involuntary swindler.” 
Answer: Albert Einstein!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Cardi & Edgar LLP
99 Madison Avenue, 8th Floor

(Between 29th and 30th Streets)

Time: 8 AM until 9:30 AM

All guests and members: Please bring business cards and be prepared to introduce yourself. If you need Coffee, Tea, or Nibbles to get by, please bring them along as well.

To RSVP for this meeting, or if you have any questions please contact

theNYnetwork is a group of women professionals who meet regularly to exchange ideas, mentor, inspire, and take their businesses to the next level.

We are looking for new members who understand how networking works best – in a friendly, calm, yet serious environment. Who are comfortable sharing their time and their expertise with others. Who are open-minded and ready to learn. We admit only one member per profession to the group, and we hold all our members to the highest ethical standard.